Happy thoughts – Sunday 26th February

  • First things first, I didn’t have to work – I had offered, but was let off the hook. A nine and a half hour sleep was mine!
  • I worked out. It was tough. It hurt. It really sucked. But I did it. Having had a busy week, and working on Saturday, it was a full week since my last workout, and I was really starting to feel like I hadn’t spent any time on “me”, so for all it was one of the most physically difficult workouts I’d done in a long time, it was one of the most mentally satisfying.
  • We went to the Tate Modern. It’s round the corner from the flat, but sometimes years pass between visits as we just take it for granted. We only did a couple of of the rooms, but we’re really lucky to have it on our doorstep and to be able to drop in like that. I appreciate London’s free museums and galleries all the more after my recent visit to New York where nearly every museum or gallery is $25.

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